The Frederick
Douglass Academy

FDA Admissions.

Selection Criteria for Screened Admissions @FDA

Screened programs @FDA will admit the top-performing applicants from across each middle school citywide.

Applicants to FDA will be in groups based on their final seventh-grade core course grades.

Students will be admitted to screened programs @FDA in group order, starting with students in group one.

• Students will be in group one if the average of their final seventh grade core course grades falls in the highest 15% of their school or citywide, and that average is at least a 90.
• Students will be in group two if they are not in group one, the average falls in the highest 30% of their school or citywide, and that average is at least an 80.
• Students will be in group three if they are not in groups one or two, and the average falls in the highest 50% of their school or citywide, and that average is at least a 70.
• Students will be in group four if they are not in groups one, two, or three, and their average falls in the highest 70% of their school or citywide, and that average is at least a 65.
• All other students will be in group five.

If there are more applicants in group one than available seats, students from group one will be randomly selected for seats using the random number linked to each applicant’s application.

If all students in group one can be accommodated at a school, students in group two will be considered next; if there are more applicants in group two than remaining available seats, then students in group two will be randomly selected for available seats.

This process will continue with subsequent groups until all seats are filled.

Applicants will see which admissions group they are in and what their random number is when they start their HS application, once it opens on October 12.

Ninth grade applicants to tenth grade seats will be grouped based on their final eighth-grade grades.

More detailed information about screening will be available when the high school application opens.

FAQ: Where can I learn if specific screened programs require additional assessments, and how to complete them?

Answer: FDA does not require an additional assessment.

FAQ: Can I go to FDA as a Middle Schooler?

Answer: If you live in District 5, you may enter FDA Grades 6, 7, and 8 at the beginning of the school year only.


Open House Registration.

Fall 2022 Open House on November 12, 19, and 28

Fall 2022 DatesNovember 12, 19 and 28

Parent/Guardian Information

Student Information

Important Documents to Bring:

•  Birth Certificate
•  Student’s immunization records
•  Latest report card/transcript
•  IEP and/or 504 Accommodations Plan (if available)
•  Letter of Recommendation(s) from previous Guidance Councilor, Teacher, or School Leader (highly recommended)
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